Welcome to Adoring Diane Guerrero, the largest and most complete fan site dedicated to the talented actress, author, and activist Diane Guerrero. Diane is best known for her roles on Orange is the New Black, Jane the Virgin, Superior Donuts and most recently as Crazy Jane on Doom Patrol. The aim of this fan site is to serve as a comprehensive and respectful online resource for news and photos of Diane and her projects. Be sure to visit our photo gallery, which is complete featuring images from all of Diane's projects - totaling over 70,000+ photos, and bookmark us at diane-guerrero.com!

Taxi Brooklyn

Production Info

Character: Carmen Lopez

Directed by: Olivier Megaton

Written by: Gary Scott Thompson, Stephen Tolkin

Produced by: Gaetan Rousseau

Cast Members: Chyler Leigh, Jacky Ido, James Colby, Jose Zuniga, Jennifer Esposito, Bill Heck

Released date: July 2, 2014

Episode(s) Number: 1x02

Episode(s) Title: Brooklyn Heights

Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime

Duration: 43 minutes

Cat is offered a job by a wealthy yet dying woman on a case concerning her sober son. Leo is arrested by immigration officers.
Additional Info

Script developed by Never Enough Design